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We tap into a rapidly growing market 

With aging populations, increased number of cancers, wider use of nuclear medicine and introductions of new radiopharmaceuticals around the world as growth factors, the market growth expectations are from about $5.9 Billion in 2019 to around $26 Billion in 2030.

Expected growth in sales in the nuclear medicine market 2019 to 2030:

  • Total (diagnostics and therapy):
    16% per year
  • Therapy:
    30% per year
For brain cancer there is an expectation of around 65,000 new cases each year counted in Europe and the US together. 10% of these are children. All need to be diagnosed, and the majority will need therapy.

Imaging (diagnostic purpose):
expecting a market of €195 M a year

expecting a market of around €5.1 B a year

For prostate cancer there is an expectation of 524,000 new cases each year counted in Europe and the US together. All need to be diagnosed.

Imaging (diagnostic purpose):
expecting a market of €1 B a year

This is why Curasight is pursuing the development of the uPAR Diagnostics and Therapy – and when combined known as Theranostics technology, where the diagnostics part is used for planning therapy.

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