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Curasight’s mission is to improve the lives of millions of people with cancer

Curasight is a Danish biotech company headquartered in Copenhagen and listed on the Spotlight Stock Exchange in Sweden since 2020. The company is pioneering in the development of intelligent cancer imaging and more gentle and efficient treatment of cancer, using nuclear medicine. Curasight’s novel uPAR Theranostics technology is based on more than 10 years of research at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen by Professor Andreas Kjær and his group. The technology minimizes irradiation of healthy tissue by combining the targeted uTREAT® radiation therapy, with the precise uTRACE® diagnostics. Curasight is building a clinical pipeline testing both using both uTREAT® and uTRACE® and aims to forge partnerships with pharmaceutical companies to support later stage clinical development and the pathway towards commercialisation.

Contact Curasight

Ulrich Krasilnikoff, CEO
Phone: +45 22 83 01 60
E-mail: [email protected]

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