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Curasight initiates pre-clinical study on therapy (uTREAT[®]) in brain cancer and signs CRO-agreement

November 11, 2020


Curasight A/S (“Curasight” or “the Company”) today announces that it has initiated the pre-clinical study of uPAR targeted radionuclide therapy (uTREAT[®]) in brain cancer and signed an agreement with the Danish CRO Minerva Imaging A/S (“Minerva Imaging”), to conduct the pre-clinical study. The initiation of the pre-clinical study is thus in line with previously communicated targets. Minerva Imaging has provided Curasight with a cost-efficient proposal that ensures that the Company’s communicated timelines are kept. Results are, as earlier communicated, expected to be available during 2021.

In connection with Curasight’s issue of units in September 2020, the Company announced in the prospectus its plans to initiate a (uTREAT®) pre-clinical therapeutic study in brain cancer before the end of 2020, with results available in 2021. Curasight has now signed an agreement with Minerva Imaging, a Danish CRO with expertise in targeted radionuclide therapy and extensive experience in conducting pre-clinical studies for drug development within the oncology space, to execute the study according to the previously communicated schedule.

Minerva Imaging is co-founded by two closely related parties to Curasight: Carsten H. Nielsen, Director of Pre-Clinical at Curasight, and Andreas Kjaer, Board Member and CSO of Curasight.

Curasight received offers from three highly qualified CROs in Europe, with the objective of ensuring that its selected partner would be able to (i) implement the pre-clinical study according to the set timeline, and (ii) offer implementation of the study at a desired cost. Minerva Imaging was the only CRO contacted that was capable of handling all elements of the study in-house, while ensuring that the study is conducted according to Curasight’s set timeline. As Minerva Imaging is located in Denmark, the Company does not foresee that possible measures in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, e.g. closing of borders and delay in logistics, should impact the execution of the study.

We are pleased that we have managed to sign this agreement with a well-renowned CRO, with vast experience specifically when it comes to pre-clinical studies and targeted radionuclide therapy. The agreement means that we can initiate the pre-clinical therapy study in brain cancer and continue working towards our milestones, with results expected next year, as previously communicated,” says CEO Ulrich Krasilnikoff.

About uTREAT®

Curasight will pursue uPAR targeted radionuclide therapy using the Company’s uTRACE® ligand but modified and “armed” with short-range (1 mm) radiation therapy (uTREAT®). By combining anti-cancer radiotherapy uTREAT® (therapy) with uTRACE® (diagnostics), the technology jointly known as Theranostics, is expected to detect and treat cancer and metastases in a more gentle and efficient way than today’s method of external radiation therapy.

For more information regarding Curasight, please contact:

Ulrich Krasilnikoff, CEO Phone: +45 22 83 01 60

E-mail: [email protected]


Curasight is a clinical development company based in Copenhagen, Denmark. The Company is a pioneer in the field of exploiting a novel Positron Emissions Tomography (PET) imaging platform targeting the urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (“uPAR”). The technology provides improved diagnosis and risk stratification in multiple cancer types.